Fort Collins, CO (March 23, 2016)—Despite their ideological differences, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have at least one thing in common: They’ve both held packed campaign rallies where they addressed their fervid followers through FBT loudspeaker systems.
While Trump addressed crowds in December inside the Knoxville, TN Convention Center using a system supplied by local audio vendor M&M Productions USA, Sanders packed the gym at Colorado State University [CSU] for a rally on February 28—three days before he won the Colorado Democratic Caucus.
Rich Werdes, owner of Shaped Music Productions, got a last minute call to supply sound for the Sanders event, because while the gym already had a house system to address basketball spectators, more sound was needed to cover the venue’s floor. As a result, Werdes whipped up four FBT EvoMaxX 4a’s for the rally.
“FBT makes a lot of quality products across the broad spectrum they cover,” Werdes said. “My personal opinion is that FBT might be a lesser-known brand, but the quality for the price makes it a really smart and versatile choice. Anyone can use them, from the weekend warrior to a semi-professional. Whether you use them for a small performance or on higher-end work, you get an amazing, professional sound and look like you spent a lot more.”
Shaped Music Productions is a full-service technical event production company serves the entire state, in addition to Wyoming, Nebraska, Utah and New Mexico. The company is no stranger to sound engineering for political rallies; it provided sound for Barrack Obama’s CSU appearance in 2008 and Joe Biden’s rally around that same time.
The company’s real specialties, however, include live music events and installations. Werdes has provided audio for music festivals such as the High Sierra Music Festival in Quincy, California and the Blues and Brews Festival in Telluride, each for a number of consecutive years. They even did sound for the very first Bonnaroo in Manchester, Tennessee.