Buena Park, CA (May 31, 2018)—Front of house engineer Mark Woodcock took Yamaha’s new Rivage PM7 digital console out to mix Bush earlier this year and is now mixing back-to-back tours for Poison and Rob Zombie on the desk this summer.
Currently out with Poison on its co-headlining run with Cheap Trick, that tour wraps up on July 1 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, FL. A scant 10 days later, Woodcock will be behind the PM7 once again when Rob Zombie’s co-headlining tour with Marilyn Mason kicks off July 11 at the DTE Energy Music Theatre in Clarkston, MI.
As to how he got a handle on the new desk, Woodcock recalled, “Initially, Clair Global asked if I wanted to try it, and I did about 20 dates with Bush and just loved it. That was the first time mixing a full band going through it, and it was awesome. Now, out with Poison, I asked Clair to hold the setup I had on Bush to use for the Poison tour.”
For the 28-date Poison run, Woodckock is mixing through a Clair Cohesion CO-12 PA, using the PM7 console’s Neve Summing mixer with the Neve MBP on left and right.
“The audio quality of the Yamaha PM7 is amazing; so warm with much depth and clarity,” he said, “and I like having the DSP in the back of the console; the whole console is compact and makes set-up very easy. I am also recording to tracks live out of the back of the desk for virtual sound check, and it’s so straightforward to setup and patch, making things very easy out on the road on a day-to-day basis.”
What works for one act doesn’t always apply for another, but Woodcock felt the PM7 would be a good fit for Rob Zombie’s show as well.
“I really do like the custom fader banks on the PM7, and that’s been a really useful tool with Poison, and I know it will be an essential part of mixing Rob. I just really love the workflow and sound of the desk. It’s such a great experience each night mixing shows.”
Yamaha • www.yamahaca.com