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Mackie TT24 Add-On Options

Mackie has announced final pricing and availability for two add-on options for the TT24 Digital Live Console: the DS3232 Digital Snake with U100 Networking Card and the LP48 Lake Processor Card.

The DS3232 Digital Snake ($4,999.99) provides 32×32 channels of balanced XLR I/O and connects to the TT24 Console via standard CAT-5 cable (up to 300 feet in length). The Digital Snake features 32 state-of-the-art mic preamps and converters in a stage box and provides remote control and recall of the input gain from the TT24 console. The U100 Networking Card ($899.99) allows the TT24 to communicate with proprietary external devices including the DS3232.

The LP48 Lake Processor Card (MSRP: $1299.99) brings Lake processing to the TT24 in three possible configurations. First, the card can be configured in Lake Loudspeaker Processor mode as a four-input by eight-output loudspeaker processor to provide eight channels of balanced analog output with line-drive capability. Second, it can provide the user with up to 10 channels of Lake-designed insert EQ processing including the true response Lake Ideal Graphic EQ and Lake Mesa EQ with asymmetrical filters. Finally, users can configure the card with five channels of insertable EQ processing, as well as a two-input–by–four-output Lake Loudspeaker Processor.

Mackie anticipates that the new TT24 add-on options will begin shipping to dealers throughout the United States in late fourth quarter of 2006, with full retail availability by December. International shipping will begin shortly after.

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