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StarCity Recording Purchases SSL Axiom MT Plus

StarCity Recording Company in Bethlehem, Pa., expanded its facility with a custom-designed SSL Axiom MT Plus digital multitrack console. The MT Plus is designed specifically for multitrack recording, overdub and mixing applications.

“We have a specific set of needs for our B room, the foremost being that I wanted an upgrade that will make it the equal of our A room, which is equipped with an XL 9000 K,” says StarCity’s executive VP, Jeff Glixman. “I also wanted a maximum number of channel paths in a smaller footprint and the ability to move quickly between songs, artists, post or music projects, et cetera. A digital console became the obvious choice, with audio quality and ergonomics at the top of the list.

“I am thrilled with the way this MT sounds,” Glixman continues. “I spent months looking at console options and the more involved I became with the MT, the more I loved it. The MT Plus is completely compatible with the SSL XL 9000 K in Studio A. And the ability to switch from Studio A to B without missing a beat is invaluable.”

Glixman traveled to Europe to “test drive” the MT, previously owned by producer Mutt Lange, who used the console to record Shania Twain’s recent double-album. “The EQ sounds incredible, the compressors do everything I want them to do and the flexibility of this desk is just amazing,” Glixman enthuses. “I’m knocked out with the sound of it.”

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