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Remote Recording Services

Founded in 1979, Remote Recording Services is one of the longest-running, top-tier, independently owned remote operations in North America, and owner

Founded in 1979, Remote Recording Services is one of thelongest-running, top-tier, independently owned remote operations inNorth America, and owner David Hewitt is widely considered one ofthe deans of the remote recording industry. It’s also still afamily business, with Hewitt’s sons Ryan and Nathaniel oftensharing engineering responsibilities with their father. As aresult, Remote Recording Services offers a unique combination ofcutting-edge technologies and highly personalized service.

Hewitt — who has won seven TEC Awards and numerous Grammyand Emmy Awards — presides over one of the most efficient andeffective crews in the business, including director of operationsPhil Gitomer and engineer Sean McClintock.

Designed by Hewitt, Remote Recording Services’ Silver Studiofeatures custom-built double walls and ceiling for optimal soundisolation. Construction is of MDF sandwich over sprayed foaminsulation, finished in cherry hardwoods, fabric panels andcarpeting. The floor is 1.75-inch ship lap oak over 3-inch steelI-beams with foam insulation.

The main technology components of the Silver Studio are a48-input Neve VR M console (with Studer Series 900 submixers),flanked by dead front wall-mounted cabinets holding an assortmentof outboard gear, patchbays and machine remotes. There is banquetseating to the rear for the producer and other VIPs, and numeroustielines allow this area to function as a second mix position orother production, communications or video tasks. There is completewiring for up to five 48-track decks, with sync, timecode and housevideo reference control. Monitoring is via custom-built soffitedmain monitors with KRK components, and the Silver Studio canaccommodate multichannel monitoring with additional self-poweredKRK speakers. The control room’s media array features two StuderD827 digital 48-track decks, a pair of Studer A820 analog 24-trackmachines and Sony PCM-800 MDMs. Hewitt has configured the truck forany type of interface with the rest of the technological universe,from video trucks to venues.

In fact, it’s that very adaptability that characterizes RemoteRecording Services. “If you ask me what our specialties are,I’d have to say it’s whatever the clients’ specialties are becauseof our flexibility, and that’s been our biggest asset over theyears,” observes Hewitt.

That flexibility has led to a broad array of clients over thecompany’s 22 years of operation, including the Academy Awards, theGrammys and the Emmys. The Silver Studio has also pulled up forLive Aid and, more recently, A&E’s “Live byRequest” with k.d. lang, the Dixie Chicks’ CBS-TV special,Neil Young’s Red Rocks Live DVD and PBS’s acclaimed“Live From the Met” series. Hewitt’s long career inmusic recording — he directed remote operations for RecordPlant Studios in New York City in the 1970s — has attractedmyriad top artists and producers who choose Hewitt and his truck.“I’m a music guy at heart,” Hewitt says, “butI’ve learned to speak all of the languages you need to interfacewith television, broadcasting and the rest of the world.”


Company Name: Remote Recording Services Inc.Contact: David Hewitt Services Offered: Remoteaudio and broadcast recording, editing and mixing; flexibleequipment package configurations, many equipment rental optionsavailable; full interface capability with film and video. MainTechnology Platforms: 48-channel Neve VR M console w/TotalRecall and Flying Faders 3.0; Studer 900 Series submixers;Millennia and API outboard mic pre’s; KRK and other monitoring;Studer D827 (2), Studer A820 (2) w/Dolby A, SR or Telcom noisereduction; Sony PCM-800 (48 tracks); Video: Sony XBR 27-inch colormonitor w/switcher; NEC 12-inch monitors (2). TruckInformation: 1997 Peterbilt tractor with 400-h. Cumminsturbo-diesel engine, 44-foot Dorsey Air Ride trailer; 6’8″ squareengineering area; 7×7’6″ VIP seating area; 12’8″×7’6″machine area; 6’4″×7’4″ acoustically treated multi-use area.Partial Client List: (Artists) Aerosmith, Miles Davis,Pearl Jam, Don Henley, Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Elton John,Berlin Philharmonic, Backstreet Boys, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen,Eric Clapton, Barbra Streisand, U2, Aretha Franklin, Nine InchNails. (Producers/engineers) Phil Ramone, Ed Cherney, BobClearmountain, Tom Dowd, Mutt Lange, Elliot Scheiner, ArifMardin.

Remote Recording Services
PO Box 319
Lahaska, PA 18931
Tel.: 215/794-5005
Fax: 215/794-3263
