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Fast together to understand the mac cosmetics blush family!

1 powder blush: Powder cheap mac cosmetics blush for beginners, with a brush gently dipped, painted in cheek, the effect is quite natural, suitable for general skin and oily skin.2 cream blush: MM already have a certain makeup tips you can use a cream blush with your fingers or a sponge dipped in a small amount of layers of painting, the effect is more durable, and the color is very bright!3. Liquid blush?The cheap mac makeup liquid blush more natural, three-dimensional, uniform smear heap with fingers or a sponge to push even very good. Blush classification: Combined with the Sector blush and plagioclase blush double painting. First brush on the cheeks dark Sector blush, light-colored plagioclase blush overlap at the top of the fan-shaped, and will be able to achieve the role of modified large round face.Round Blush: This is the most common and easiest blush painting.

Mirror smile, laugh muscles in the cheeks raised position to draw a circle on the brush blush can. However blush makeup the sweet ladies were not suitable for this.Sector blush: The cheap mac makeup blush is larger, not only modification of the face, can express a good color. Blush position temples, laughing muscles, fan-shaped ears below compose, pay attention to the direction of the brush blush from the buccal to the cheeks Central color to make the deepest blush colors fall on the buccal position to achieve the purpose of the modified face.
