Here’s a fun fact: I went to high school with former Mythbuster Adam Savage—which is to say, we both happened to attend Sleepy Hollow High School at the same time. (Yes, it’s the Sleepy Hollow of Ichabod Crane fame; our football team had the best name ever: the Headless Horsemen. They played like they had no heads, too, but I digress.) He was a year older than me and we ran in different circles, so I didn’t know him, but it was a small-enough school that I certainly knew of him; he was the red-haired kid you’d occasionally see riding a unicycle on Route 9.
While I don’t think our paths ever crossed properly, it’s been fun to follow my fellow SHHS alumn’s career, including a recent episode of his cool webseries, Tested. In the appropriately titled “Adam Savage Visits Third Man Records,” he heads to Detroit to learn all about analog studio gear, ribbon microphones, Blumlein-style miking, the vinyl-pressing process from beginning to end and lots more. Since he’s at Third Man Records, naturally Grammy-winner/vinyl impresario Jack White turns up for some thoughtful discussion on how the recording technology one uses impacts the artistic process being captured. For these and more keen insights, sit back and enjoy.