Modesto, CA (April 19, 2021)—Like many houses of worship, Shelter Cove Community Church has spent much of the pandemic holding in-person services for a reduced number of worshipers—down from its typical 1,600 capacity—while also presenting services online. Unfortunately, the church’s production team was put to the test when its front-of-house mixing console died. The answer for Shelter Cove was to purchase a new Avid VENUE | S6L system purchased through local AV provider, Floodjay Productions.
Geoffrey Fusco, production manager at Shelter Cove, began preparing for installation before the church’s S6L even arrived. “I spent a couple of weeks working with the VENUE Standalone [software] offline editor to get it set up to what I needed it to do,” he says. “That way, when I got the console, I could just stick in a thumb-drive with the VENUE show file [on it] and be good to go.”
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When the console did arrive, the installation was completed in one night. Matt Robertson, owner of Floodjay Productions, assisted Shelter Cove with the installation: “I think the last pieces came in on a Thursday and once it got there, we were like, ‘Okay, do we want to start it before the weekend?’ and Geoff said ‘Yeah, let’s go!’… He really wanted to go for it, and we got it set up in a night.”
With the desk in place, Fusco labored over Virtual Soundcheck, enabling him to begin preparing for services. “I spent a lot of time on [Virtual Soundcheck] when I first had the console,” he says. “We actually did a recording session not long after the console was put in and I used [Virtual Soundcheck] to dial-in the system.” He also uses the feature to let others practice their skills. “Whenever my coworker wants to mix, I throw up a Pro Tools session and let her have at it.” Fusco also uses S6L’s integrated Pro Tools functionality to record services, which are subsequently mixed, edited with the video recording, and posted online for the congregation to view on-demand.
Since its installation, musicians have been able to control their monitor mixes using the Avid VENUE | On-Stage app. Meanwhile, at-home worshippers have enjoyed the return of the church’s virtual services, and in-person, the audio quality is said to have improved dramatically.
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