Kevin O’Connell has been promoted to sound director in thepost production facilities at Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), as wasannounced by Michael J. Kohut, president of Sony Pictures’ postproduction facilities.
With his expanded duties, O’Connell will oversee the technicalimplementation of the Sound Department’s digital future andassist in shaping the future development of mixing. He will continue toreport to Kohut.
“Kevin’s vast experience in Sound is invaluable,”said Kohut. “I’m certain that his visions will help reshapethe future of digital sound and heighten the level of work we do forour clients.”
“Kevin O’Connell’s career experience enhances oneof post production’s most talented management teams,” saidGary Martin, president of Sony Pictures’ studio operations.
“I’m looking forward to working with Kevin as we meetthe digital challenges of the future,” said Richard Branca,executive vice president of sound, video and projection operations.“He will be an important factor in creating synergy of postproduction sound.”
“Kevin’s creativity and his knowledge of the soundindustry is truly an asset to our department,” says Tom McCarthy,executive vice president of theatrical and television sound editorial.“I look forward to working with him in the implementation of newtechnologies in both sound mixing and sound editorial. As our facilitycontinues to grow, Kevin’s strong background in sound will beinstrumental as we structure and standardize the use of newtechnologies.”
O’Connell started in the industry in 1978 as a Machine RoomOperator at Samuel Goldwyn Studios. He was promoted to a Sound Mixer in1980. He received his first Academy Award® nomination in 1983 forhis sound mixing on Terms of Endearment when he was only 26.Since then, he has received an additional 15 Oscar®nominations.
O’Connell joined Sony Pictures in 1993 as a supervising soundmixer in the Cary Grant Theatre, the theatre he now considers a secondhome. His numerous projects include: Tombstone, CrimsonTide, The Rock,Armageddon,Pearl Harbor, andSpider-Man. His most recent project was The Passion of theChrist for Mel Gibson.
In addition to sound mixing, O’Connell is a member of theAcademy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, and represents the soundbranch on the Board of Governors.
For more information about this announcement or Sony PicturesEntertainment, please refer to their Website,www.sonypicturespost.com.