Visioneering Design recently completed a total renovation packagefor Santa Monica, Calif.’s Eleven Sound, an audio post house.
Pictured: Ron Lagerlof (left) and Jeff Payne/Photo: David Goggin
Opened five years ago, Eleven Sound abandoned its previous DSPworkstations for 128 channels of Pro Tools|HD3 in each of the tworooms, and an HD1 system in the machine room for offline work. Thestudios feature ProControl master units with two additional faderpacks, Martinsound Monitor Max in combination with Multi Max for 5.1monitoring, and nearly 1 TB of sound effects online at all times via a1-gigabit Ethernet network.
“Visioneering’s Ron Lagerlof came up with the ideas, did the design,salvaged what we could from our existing signal path and routers, andbasically saved my butt,” said Eleven Sound owner Jeff Payne. Workingmainly on national TV commercials, the facility’s clients include Nike,Acura, Apple, Dodge, Chevy, Ford and Sprint. “Given just one week ofdowntime for the facility, Visioneering’s crew transformed the machineroom and studios. Everything worked perfectly, including talkback, cue,studio playback and surround monitoring.”
Payne said that the upgrade was necessitated by a dramatic shift inworkflow during the past two years. “We have very little use of tape,DATs or DA-88s anymore. About 80 to 90 percent of material comes viathe Internet. We go to FTP sites, download the files and load it intothe system. Typically, we handle the sound effects here, even Foley,plus voice-overs and the final mix.”
For more information on Visioneering, visit www.visioneeringdesign.com. Payne at Eleven Soundcan be reached at 310/526-2911.