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Load In: Sound Reinforcement News, October 2010

Read Mix News For the Concert Touring Professional In the October 2010 Issue of Mix

Longtime Faithless FOH engineer Mark Kennedy is manning one of two Midas PRO6s (supplied by Brittania Row) while the other travels to the next venue with the rest of the system.

Milwaukee’s 11-stage/11-day Summerfest saw Martin Audio LE700 monitors supplied by Clearwing Productions (Milwaukee)…UK rental company Adlib Audio is the latest member of L-Acoustics’ K1/KUDO Pilot Program…FOH engineer Ken “Pooch” Van Druten is using Waves Multirack and SoundGrid—forgoing a console package—on Slash’s Asian and Australian tours…Engineer Nathan Lane once again took FOH controls for the recently wrapped up Idols Live! tour, where he took out a Yamaha PM5D-EX digital console system: a Yamaha PM5D with DSP5D Expander clocked by an Apogee Big Ben word clock…FOH engineer Brad Mulligan set up the new InnovaSon Eclipse digital console at this year’s Toronto Jazz Festival. The board’s M.A.R.S. integrated multitrack recording system was put in place so that each performer’s engineer could record portions of the soundcheck and then tweak their mixes offline on headphones.
