Melbourne, Australia (December 17, 2018)—Australian production/install company Monitor City has purchased a sizable Adamson Systems Engineering E-Series and S-Series audio system.
Monitor City’s Adamson system is built around the flagship E-Series with a complement of E12 three-way, full-range line array enclosures and E119 subwoofers. Rounding out the package are the compact S10 two-way, full range line array enclosures. Adamson’s touring E-Racks, each equipped with three Lab.gruppen PLM+ series amplifiers featuring Lake processing and Dante audio networking functionality, drive the system.
Monitor City Co-Founders Adrian Barnard and Matt Dufty plan for the system to handle festival work in the upcoming summer months, and can then be split into multiple systems as needed. It fits well with the way we do things, and will definitely help us.”
Barnard and Dufty founded Monitor City in 2006. The company now services a broad range of clients, from major festivals like Falls Music & Arts and the Unify Gathering to local government, corporate, and theatre applications. “Our company culture is one in which everyone is involved and contributes,” says Dufty. “We care that when you’re at a gig, it sounds fantastic. Anything less than that is not good enough.”
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