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Music Production

Enemies Befriend Radial in Tangier

Packing for an overseas stay meant planning ahead.

Vancouver, BC (July 10, 2018)—Canadian band Your Favourite Enemies recently packed up their Radial Engineering gear and took it to Morocco, where they spent several months writing and recording new material.

The band was invited to take over the second floor of a house located near the sea separating Tangier from Spain, says guitarist Jeff Beaulieu. “For the selection of gear, since we’d built our own arsenal and are our own engineers and producers, we decided for a blend of old and new, since in Tangier there’s no safety net for repairing material,” he says.

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“If you’re only bringing vintage equipment, you’re really stressing yourself out for nothing, because you won’t find any repair shop for a vintage pre or mic there. I favor Radial; it’s like bringing in army-grade audio equipment; you can drop it and it will ask for more.”

Regarding potential power supply challenges, he says, “One of the most important pieces of the puzzle for us, since we were going somewhere we didn’t know about the quality of the electricity, was the security that no matter what we would be facing, we’d have ways to isolate signals, and the Radial ISO Twin Isolator gave us that peace of mind. It really eliminates any ground loop possibilities and we wouldn’t face any downtime associated with troubleshooting. It really keeps the signal clean and really precise.”

The recently released keyboard mixer and performance pedal, the Key-Largo, was also packed along for the adventure. “It is so well-designed and since we’re using many keyboards and some live during recording, everything goes through the Key-Largo and we save some inputs and have a control on everything right at the pedal.”

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Beaulieu adds, “We use a ProD8 for any acoustic guitars and direct input for future reamping. We have the Reamp X-Amp for that purpose as well as the ProRMP. Those devices keep the signal intact and there’s absolutely no chance of buzz or loss of signal.”

Radial Engineering •
