Studer has received an order from the Romanian Radio BroadcastingCorporation for a further six OnAir 1000 digital mixing consoles forits Bucharest studio center, adding to the 25 Studer digital consolesalready installed. Over the last few years, Romanian Radio has beenimplementing the introduction of digital technology into all of itsstudios, and many of its production and transmission studios arealready equipped with Studer OnAir 1000 and 2000 M2 digitalconsoles.
Romanian Radio Deputy general director Mihai Ilie comments,“All of these consoles work very well with the Studer Digimediasystem for both broadcasting and production, and this is a major reasonthat Romanian Radio is purchasing more of the same. The advantages forboth technical and program staff are self-evident.”
The design of the studio systems and installation of all theconsoles and Digimedia systems were carried out by the TechnicalDepartment of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation.
For more information about Studer, go to their Website at www.studer.ch.