TV Worldwide, a Web-based video network and streaming video serviceprovider, has been selected again by the National Association ofBroadcasters to Webcast the conference live from the Las VegasConvention Center via and
The free Webcast will feature interviews with on-hand industryleaders and selected speakers, and will also highlight the latestproducts, services and news in the electronic media sectors. PremierWebcast sponsors include Real Networks, Limelight Networks, StacoEnergy, Discreet and the International Webcasting Association. LatinoEntertainment & ArtsTV is the official Latino Webcast sponsor andwill stream interviews of top Latino celebrities and professionals inSpanish and English. Additional sponsorship opportunities are currentlybeing negotiated.,/P>
Visitors to the live Webcast will be able to post questions tointerviewees and participate in Q&A via e-mail.
Chris Brown, NAB senior VP of conventions and expositions, said, “Wehave had a very successful partnership with over thelast several years. They do a great job developing and streamingshow-related content, enabling our reach to extend beyond the walls ofthe convention center. The process has been virtually seamless becausethey are not only streaming experts, but know our show and industryextremely well.”
“We’re pleased to work with the NAB to facilitate participation byall those in the arena of broadcasting and streaming video,” commentedDave Gardy, chairman and CEO of “With our NABcast.comchannel, we’re getting a huge response to this event nationally andlook forward to working with NAB as they again utilize Webcasts toserve their membership and the broadcasting industryinternationally.”
The event will be archived for viewing. Participants should beonline by 10:45 a.m. PST on April 19. Questions can be directed to703/961-9250 x223 before and during the event.