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Remote Recording Captures Historic Rolling Stones Performances

Pictured in Remote Recording’s Silver Studio are (L-R) owner/manager Karen Brinton, engineer/producer Bob Clearmountain and Remote Recording’s Phil Gitomer.

Remote Recording’s Neve VR-equipped Silver Studio captured the Rolling Stones’ October 29 and November 1 performances in New York City’s Beacon Theatre. Former President Bill Clinton and a contingent of his guests were on hand to celebrate Clinton’s 60th birthday at the October 29 performance. Director Martin Scorsese filmed both nights’ performances for an upcoming Rolling Stones documentary.

Engineer/producer Bob Clearmountain was at the helm in the Silver Studio to record the performances, as well as afternoon and evening rehearsals in the preceding days. “This is the second Stones movie that David [Hewitt, Remote Recording founder] and I have done together,” Clearmountain noted, along with several pay-per-view broadcasts.

In addition to the Silver Studio’s Digidesign Pro Tools HD rig and full complement of outboard gear, Clearmountain employed an Apogee Electronics Mini-Pre microphone preamplifier for Mick Jagger’s vocals, as well as snare and bass drum.

Forty-four years into the band’s existence and dozens of concert recordings later, Clearmountain notes, “this one is even more intense, because there’s a lot more going on. It’s a much bigger production than Let’s Spend the Night Together was [in 1981], with a lot more cameras. Plus, the Beacon is a tiny venue.”

“There’s a different intensity to a small theater show,” Hewitt says. “They’re right up there in your face.”

“I was a big fan of The Last Waltz and of The Band,” Clearmountain adds, “If this comes out half as great as that film, it will be really special.”

“Working with the Rolling Stones is always exciting, but having the opportunity to work with them in such an intimate environment at the Beacon made it even more amazing,” says Remote Recording owner/manager Karen Brinton. “Throw [in] Martin Scorcese on top of that, and you’ve really got something special. Having Bob Clearmountain on the truck was fantastic as always, and I’m grateful for the experience. I wish it happened more often!”

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