Martin Seidl, CEO of Austrian Audio, holding a OC18, with David Natale, FOH engineer for The Rolling Stones
Vienna, Austria (August 11, 2022)—This summer, the Rolling Stones made their way through Europe’s stadiums on the group’s Sixty tour. Along for the ride were a batch of Austrian Audio microphones, it turns out.
The band’s longtime FOH engineer, Dave Natale, opted to bring along a passel of the mics for the journey, specifically the OC18 and CC8 cardioid true condenser microphone. It wasn’t the first time he turned to the brand, however, as he brought them along last year on the band’s No Filter trek, emailing the company at the time to say “We love them. I really like the fact that they weigh a lot. They are a really nice piece of functional engineering artwork.”
As a result, when the band came to Vienna on July 15, there in the stands was Austrian Audio’s CEO, Martin Seidl, to see his favorite band and more over hear them use his own mics.
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“It was an unbelievable experience,” said Seidl. “Of course, I’m probably The Stones’ biggest fan, so just seeing them live again was really cool. But hearing our mics on stage – that was unreal.”
Austrian Audio’s AR manager Walter Rührig added, “I’m more than excited to have seen the Stones live. It’s just really amazing hearing the technology in such a larger-than-life environment. We developed Austrian Audio’s signature Open Acoustics technology right here in Vienna, and now we’re hearing Steve Jordan playing the drums for The Stones through our CC8s. It’s just crazy!”