The Pro Audio & Radio Tech Summit, to be held this Thursday, April 1, has just announced the addition of an expert panel presentation titled “How Did They Do That: The Grammy Awards Telecast 2021.”
Featuring Audio Director Michael Abbott, Music Mixer Eric Schilling, File Coordinator Glenn Lorbecki, and Jeff Peterson of systems provider ATK Systems, the conversation looks into how this veteran, award-winning crew turned in the year’s best-yet virtual awards show.
“The production team behind the Grammy Awards is one of the smoothest running operations in live event television,” says Tom Kenny, editor of Mix and moderator of the panel. “They regularly win Emmys and TEC Awards, while at the same time introducing cutting-edge technologies. This year of the pandemic proved totally different, as it was pre-taped-for-live, involving massive amounts of coordination on the front end. Michael Abbott says it was one of the Top 5 challenging productions in his career, and they pulled it off spectacularly.”
The free, one-day Pro Audio & Radio Tech Summit will feature an exhibition floor, panel presentations, chat rooms and a host of media presentations showcasing the latest technologies and trends in radio and pro audio.
It will also feature two individual program tracks within a single exhibition hall. In each program track, industry experts will explore how manufacturers and users are making use of both current and emerging technologies in order to keep the media coming
In addition to the panel on the recent Grammy Awards Telecast, the Pro Audio Track will feature sessions on Quality Audio for Podcasting, the multipurpose House of Worship studio, the rise of Immersive Music Mixing, and hybrid Audio for Education.
The Radio Track will feature sessions on hybrid radio, AoIP, virtualization, streaming, business continuity and trends in transmission. These topics will be of interest to any radio broadcast manager or engineer who manages technology or uses it to advance their careers and business missions.
Click here to view the Agenda and register.