MediaMatrix, a division of Peavey Electronics Corporation, recentlyintroduced the PCU 2100, a load-sharing redundant power supply designedfor ControlMatrix™ field paging components.
The PCU 2100 is designed to provide redundant or passive operationfrom its two independent power supply modules, or “banks.” Each bank iscapable of simultaneously powering up to eight ControlMatrix PCU Seriesstations and ten remote control panels, and each is a fully independentpower supply, internally protected against load faults. Additionalprotection is provided for each output circuit, and an auto resetenables users to restore power to protected output loads.
The PCU 2100 can operate in either redundant mode or dual mode. Arear-panel switch allows the system integrator to determine theoperating mode, while a front-panel LED provides visual status for theuser. When operating in redundant mode, the PCU 2100 provides fullysupervised, redundant power supply outputs for up to eight PCU Seriespaging stations and up to ten remote control panels. In this mode, anyprimary supply module failure will automatically engage the secondsupply module without interruption. In dual mode, the second bank canbe fully loaded, doubling the capacity of the PCU 2100 for applicationsthat do not require redundancy. Each bank includes a Form C faultoutput connector for interfacing external alarms or signalingequipment. Additional connectivity is provided for terminating the datalines from ControlMatrix devices. Each bank includes a wiring bus thatallows for easy interface to head-end equipment.
The PCU 2100 features rear-panel connections for all supplycircuits. Removable Euro connectors provide easy termination andservice for all outputs and fault contacts. A removable IEC lineconnector is provided for the AC line. The PCU 2100 is available fordomestic (120VAC) and export (230/240VAC) use.
For further details, visit mm.peavey.com.