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Post Openings—Dallas Audio Post

Audio production studio Dallas Audio Post's new 6,000-square-foot home features three 5.1-ready control rooms and recording booths and a 3.5-terabyte

Dallas Audio Post owner Roy Machado joins a producer and voice talent in one of his new control rooms.

Audio production studio Dallas Audio Post’s new 6,000-square-foot home features three 5.1-ready control rooms and recording booths and a 3.5-terabyte storage area network. Features include a digitized music library, a centralized editing system, office and entertainment areas and a DVD/surround television lounge.

According to studio owner Roy Machado, “We’re now targeting the large advertising agencies in Dallas because many don’t know the quality of our work or that we can handle whatever broadcast production needs they may have.” Hispanic production is another target for the studio, as its entire staff is bilingual.

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