Oxford, UK (July 27, 2021)—Solid State Logic has issued the V3.1 update for its System T broadcast platform. The release will support SSL’s upcoming TE1 and TE2 Tempest audio engines, due to become available in August. The company says the new engines will take a flexible approach to managing production capacity, allowing users to expand their processing requirements with the addition of new software ‘processing’ licenses. With the ‘pay as you go’ model, users can increase their production capability for user-defined project periods such as large one-off sporting or entertainment events.
The new V3.1 includes improvements for managing dynamic and frequently changing AoIP networks, and additional access control entries for enhanced security of IO and wider console features. With a focus on interoperability and integrating third party devices, V3.1 also provides control for Focusrite’s Dante-enabled RedNet MP8R Mic IO directly from System T consoles, allowing customers to access the unit with controls from the console, plus parameters stored and recalled with scenes and showfiles.
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Additional production-focused features include a new ‘Send Stems’ mode, allowing standard subgroup (on/off) type stem to be switched to a bus with a send level—useful for effect return signals or discrete feeds to outputs that require an independent mix. The ‘Path Recall Safe’ feature is also extended to include individual path processing blocks, providing a way from within the ‘Channel View’ to recall safe a particular path section when firing scenes.