Anaheim, CA (June 6, 2022)—The NAMM Show 2022 returned this past weekend, taking place for the first time since January, 2020. While the convention faced numerous challenges, from strong concerns remaining about COVID spread to high-profile manufacturers sitting this one out, the crowds nonetheless came out, manufacturers presented gear, and pros networked at every opportunity.
Many manufacturers introduced new products at the show, but the vast majority focused on the equipment they’ve released over the last two years, with many exhibitors highlighting gear that was making its trade show debut, even if it had been available for a while.
While most exhibitors were pleased with the turnout—largely estimated to be half the show’s typical 115,000 attendees—there was no mistaking that it was not a full-on NAMM Show. Roughly 50% of the available exhibit space went unused, booths were smaller, the usual aisle-clogging musician appearances were nowhere to be found and the show itself was three days instead of four. Still, this meant that the attendees on-site were there to do business and not merely ‘kick tires.’
Here’s just some of the sights and gear we saw at this year’s NAMM convocation:
DPA Microphones debuted its new DPA 4055 Kick Drum Mic with a press conference. The shape of the DPA 4055 is an asymmetric design, allowing it to be slid into a drum without risking a tear in the drum skin.
SSL’s booth centered around its Origin console, which had Green Day tracks available for mixing.
Neve debuted its brand-new 88M, the company’s first dual mic preamp and USB audio interface. Based around the same transformer-balanced technology as Neve’s flagship large-format 88RS console, the unit runs over $1,200.
In addition to unveiling its iD44 MkII and evo 16, Audient previewed its upcoming 4816 Heritage Edition console and took home a TEC Award for the technology in its interfaces.
JBL Professional’s imposing SRX900 powered line array was on full display at NAMM 2022.
SPL presented its new 500 Series unit — the 1505 BiG Stereo Image Bigger Maker. You’ll never guess what it does. Sporting simple controls, it sounded good despite the loud trade show floor.
Aided by the good weather, Shure opted to take its booth outdoors with a trio of tents.
Teezio, the engineer behind hits for Lil Nas X, Chris Brown and others, shared insights to a packed house at the Wavy Wayne Audio booth.
Milab and Pearl Mics were at NAMM, with the Milab VIP-60 making its trade show debut, since it came out at the end of 2021. The distinctive mic (left) is the successor to the venerable VIP-50 (right), used for Michael Jackson’s vocals on the Dangerous album. The new 60 reportedly cuts the original’s noise floor in half.
DAS Audio used NAMM as the North American launch for LARA, a powered, cardioid, 4-way line array system with a symmetrical design that provides 146 dB linear MAX SPL. Aiming to cut down on-stage sound, it provides attenuation behind the system of 15 dB in the 63 Hz–200 Hz range.
Focal showed its Solo6 and Twin6 studio monitors, which were updated for the first time in 15 years with new transducers, cabinet designs and amps. It also introduced the Sub12, the company’s largest subwoofer, due out this summer.